Thursday, August 05, 2010

The Hidden Rasika

As usual, I have completely ignored the major part of my life while talking about lot of less important things. Music, I think it's like a strong dose of medicine to a chronic illness. Need to keep taking it in continuously no matter what! Once you start liking it, I doubt if you can ever get over this fetish.

Whenever I sit for practicing my Janta-swarams, I remember the pitying look on a friend's face while asking me, "Do you really like Carnatic Music?" ( Which is more "Are there still people who like Carnatic music?") and follows it up with "Don't you want to learn playing some instrument instead?". And I answered "Sorry, buddy! I can't really help it!"

After trying my hand at Laya learning Daphli, Tabla, Octapad, etc for a brief period, I decided it's time to tune the 'Shruthi' in me. Here I am starting on a musical journey! Thanks to my Guru, who rightly said "Shruthirmata layah pita|"

Let's see what's in store.

PS: Can't help it! :-P