Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Age of AI and Women

[Disclaimer: I'm not an advocate of AI-ization. Neither am I a feminist - despite the fact that I'm posting this on International Women's Day - nor a male chauvinist. For the records, I'd like to call myself a chivalrous-technology-dude.]

I've come across a spectrum of women ranging from YOLO to most-patient-perseverant types. It surprises me how women manage to be so receptive and yet assertive while being so attractive. Congenial yet compelling. When I see them handle situations with a broad-mind, slightly unspecific, open for change with a readyness to change perspective, I see bias for less analysis. Hence a tendency of being more action-oriented. That takes me to the next point. This approach encourages more heart-oriented behaviour and (may be) hence highly encourages participation. This is a contrast and complement to a highly-focused, aggressive, competitive, heartless, goal-oriented-time-bound and unflinching - labelled as male-like - styles of approach.

AI on the other hand works with data. Unbiased (and ruthless) analysis mixed with history-based trend analysis marks AI. Add predictions to this analysis. And then more ability to learn from real-time data and auto-correcting your predictions. Isn't it how we all aspire to be when we do our investments or play a game? Look at the past and deal with present with a futuristic vision (over-simplified but you get the point?). I've also been hearing AI-ists talk and demo systems/bots which understand and respond to emotions. That's like a sci-fi flick coming live in our lives! Without being too optimistic or pessimistic about AI, I feel we should embrace our breakthroughs and focus them on space exploration, medicine, transportation, conservation of environment and many such areas. My (less) understanding limits my ability to imagine the possibilities AI can throw open!

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, it's high time you think about a lady and an AI bot as your co-founders!

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