Human beings are too used to the self-image - highly polished, garnished, cured and tended. Sometimes crafted and grafted. Everyone has a unique way of understanding it and projecting it. When I talk to people around and people say things about me, my projection of myself refines. It shrinks when I do something wrong and bloats when I get a praise. It stays in equilibrium if we are in control. Blows up when happy and punctures when sad.
What happens to us sometimes when we lose control is an obsession with the picture of self, repeated switching thoughts and a sense of irreparable loss. It is at this point of time that we reset our image and start afresh. But what we notice here is our addiction and indulgence with ourselves that it almost becomes impossible to think out of the box. This is when I experienced and decided to define addiction. It's not something you want to have repeatedly or something you can't take your mind off. It's simply the inability or sometimes arrogance to not look beyond the life at present. It - probably - is a mixture of egoism, carelessness, immaturity and adamancy. Like with many other things in life, we have to start from acknowledging that we are prone to it. And fight it every moment with might! There are no short cuts.
I want to log one of the learnings from my childhood. They say there are 6 vices called Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya which lead to addiction. How true! Formulas don't always work in real life but understanding and applying do...
What happens to us sometimes when we lose control is an obsession with the picture of self, repeated switching thoughts and a sense of irreparable loss. It is at this point of time that we reset our image and start afresh. But what we notice here is our addiction and indulgence with ourselves that it almost becomes impossible to think out of the box. This is when I experienced and decided to define addiction. It's not something you want to have repeatedly or something you can't take your mind off. It's simply the inability or sometimes arrogance to not look beyond the life at present. It - probably - is a mixture of egoism, carelessness, immaturity and adamancy. Like with many other things in life, we have to start from acknowledging that we are prone to it. And fight it every moment with might! There are no short cuts.
I want to log one of the learnings from my childhood. They say there are 6 vices called Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya which lead to addiction. How true! Formulas don't always work in real life but understanding and applying do...